Rep Member, Mudasiru Lukman Empowers Constituents In Osun


By Oladipupo Sefiu B-urself

“In 2023, I was lucky to get admission to study at the Olabisi Onabanjo University. At the time the list of successful candidates was released, the school fee was not up to N100,000,” Adebayo Kehinde said.

“But when we were to resume, the school fee had been raised to N270,000. It was incredibly challenging and my parents could not pull it off. I took the painful decision to drop the study opportunity. Thanks to L&K Scholarship Scheme, my hope and that of others was rekindled and I am now studying English Language at the prestigious Ahman Pategi University, Pategi, Kwara State.”

The remark above isn’t a faint murmur, but a true life story of Adebayo Kehinde Ayomide, one of the beneficiaries of the multi million-naira scholarship programme launched by Hon. Lukman Mudashiru Alani (L&K) as his signature intervention in the Ayedire/Iwo/Ola-Oluwa Federal Constituency, Osun State.

Today marks the one year of Hon. Lukman, known as L&K, as the federal lawmaker representing the constituency in the House of Representatives.

The people of the constituency entrusted their mandate to him when they massively elected him on February 25, 2023 and he was sworn in on June 13, the same year.

Through dedication and obeisance to his commitment to respectfully discharge his duties, the Deputy Chairman of the House Committee on Human Rights has brought hopes to the people and used public funding available to the constituency to help people stay on track to realise their aspirations.

He has executed an array of people-centric programmes and conceived legislative proposals that seek to make life more meaningful not just to immediate constituents, but to Nigerians as a larger constituency.

Communities previously unconnected to the national power infrastructure have been lit up within his first year. For instance, power has been restored to Kuta community and street lights have been installed to enhance Araromi-Panada-Kuti Road in Iwo.

Several vocational opportunities have been provided to the youths to earn more and become responsible contributors to the national economy. Empowerment training on fish farming, livestock feeds production as well as provision of start-up funding of N250,000 to 260 individuals are some of the lawmaker’s shining efforts in human capital development and give the beneficiaries a start in business.

An advocate of inclusive leadership, he has championed some initiatives through which persons with disabilities were provided with mobility aids to make lesson their daily challenges.

As shown in the opening remarks, Hon. Mudashiru is big on education. Through his unbendable desire to see children of the downtrodden are adequately educated. Himself a child of a humble background, Hon. Alani’s passion for education preceded his role as a public servant. The first edition of the scheme saw 186 males and females admitted to study at the Ahman Pategi University and the Federal College of Education, Iwo. One of them being Adebayo Kehinde.

He has also stamped his feet onto the college of education through the ongoing construction of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) block.

The number of job facilitation continues to grow as the lawmaker enhances his contacts. Already, 15 number of people from the constituency have been employed in federal agencies and placed in sound positions. For instance, 6 people have been offered jobs at the National Industrial Court, 2 offered jobs at the Federal Road Maintenance Agency, 3 as Federal Road Safety Corps and 2 offered police jobs and 2 at Nigerian army.

On the legislative front, his efforts have been multifaceted, reflecting in deliberate motions and bill sponsorship. While deliberations are still ongoing on some of these bills, they demonstrate his capability to use the inherent powers to place the welfare of Nigerians at the very centre of decision-making.

Boundary disputes make communities restive and peaceless. In fact, such disputes have historically been responsible for violence in many parts of Nigeria. Drawing from the lessons of history, he initiated a motion aimed at ending the Osun-Oyo boundary dispute on the Iwo, Ayedire both Osun State and Lagelu Local Government of Oyo State side to avoid unnecessary contestations.

To his credits are a motion to speed up the construction of the Gbongan-Iwo-Oyo road that has failed to near completion for over ten years and two bills to establish a Federal College of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Oluponna, Ayedire Local Government and a Federal College of Agriculture in Bode-Osi, Ola-Oluwa LG. The choice of Ola-Oluwa LGA to host the proposed institution is fitting because it prides itself as the food basket of Osun State.

It has become a tradition for national security outfits to destroy vessels involved in oil bunkering in the Niger Delta region. Aside from looking suspicious, the burning poses direct environmental dangers to the people and the environment. In this light, the representative has moved a motion to stop this practice forthwith. 

In the interest of the public, the Iwo-born representative has asked the House of Representatives to investigate the abuse and mismanagement of proceeds and funds of continental and regional peace-keeping operations from 2010 to 2022.

These legislative actions have invited rich debates in the House of Representatives and are poised to gain the needed momentum to succeed for the benefits of the society.

While the above evidences a few receipts for the things done so far, today represents a solemn phase in the quest to provide a viable representation to the people of the federal constituency and to acknowledge overwhelming support of the people to this point.

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