Two men, identified as Kelvin and Christopher, who live as neighbors have exchanged their wives, Lillian and Immaculate, in an appalling marriage ceremony.
A video was shared by Afrimax, who reported the incident, and it showed the couple’s legal remarriage, revealing that they are neighbors.
In the video, Lillian was married to Kelvin and Immaculate to Christopher. As neighbors, they began to visit each other and soon began falling in love with each one’s spouse.
They kept their relationships secret and kept sneaking around until it was all found out. The men then decided to settle their problems amicably by exchanging their spouses and sealing them legally.
Part of their agreement also saw their wives switching to the other side with the kids. The video of the couples stirred reactions online.
Social media users who watched video claimed that the couple’s remarriage is not allowed as they took to comment section.
Some reactions are shown below:
Nicholas said, “I’m a Christian. That role wasn’t set by society that was set by God to not cover your neighbors wife. Literally what it says exodus chapter 20 verse 17.”
LOX.4 said, “Sorry’ but this isn’t any good.”
Chansa Jonathan said, “Are they playing what playing is this. Is it okay to exchange wife NOO.”
Cher 007 said, “God’s rule is the only rule.”
Amundam Marline said, “Thank you for this signal”.
SassySelkie72 said, “We do need to follow God’s rules, first, but he’s right about not always conforming to society.”
Sophia Cherrington said, “They will be burned in hell if they continue with foolishness they play with marriage and God sets the rules in marriage not us.”
Watch the video below:
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