Ailing Nollywood actor Sule Bebe in a video making the rounds online seeks forgiveness from Nigerians most especially women.
In the viral video with a pastor named Agbala Gabriel, the Yoruba movie star said he stepped on so many toes due to his wayward lifestyle when he was still a youth.
As at the moment of filling this content, actor Sule Bebe has a serious health issue as he is unable to stand very well talk less of walking very well.
In the emotional video, the Yoruba actor uttered that during his youth days, he had an uncountable number of girlfriends and he can’t even specify the one he actually offended.
Apologizing to his wives and girlfriends, ailing actor Sule Bebe said he once married a lady abroad and they both had children together and he can’t even see them again.
He stated that he would have loved to prostrate as a way of seeking forgiveness but he can because of his poor health.
He concluded that by shedding tears asking to forgive him and pray for him as well in order to recover.
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