The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, CP Idowu Owohunwa, has disclosed that injuries sustained during a fight between the late singer, Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba aka Mohbad, and his childhood friend, Ibrahim Owodunni aka Primeboy, in Ikorodu, led to the singer’s death
Addressing the media during a press briefing on Friday, CP Owohunwa said MohBad and PrimeBoy got into a fight after a show in Ikorodu where the ‘Peace’ crooner had performed.
Owohunwa added that injuries sustained by MohBad from that fight were not properly managed leading to his death.
“At the end of the show, Mohbad and Ibrahim were engaged in a violent fight, during which Mohbad was injured. The management of the injury subsequently resulted in his death. So he is being treated as a suspect.”
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