8 Out Of 10 Nigerian Men Above 30 Are Unintelligent, Insecure, With Low Self-esteem — Social Activist


A social activist has gone on Facebook to share her greatest fear in a relationship and marriage.

Oma Jim wrote: “One of my greatest fear in relationship and marriage is to be with an unintelligent insecure man with low self-esteem.”

She added: “Unfortunately 8 out of 10 Nigerian 30+ men are like this…”

She went on to detail how such men can be a source of embarrassment to the women they’re with.

“Imagine being with someone who is not bright and they will be claiming ‘I’m the man, don’t correct me, I know what I’m doing… you’re trying to control me…’

“Imagine your man in public arguing like an illiterate because he doesn’t read, his head is empty…

“Imagine being with a man that doesn’t think properly,

“Imagine your man coming on Facebook and having beer parlour conversations like washing machine is for lazy women…”

Read her entire post below.

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