Tragedy As Mother, Two Kids Returning From Vigil Crushed To Death In Osun


Tragedy struck in Ode-Omu town in Ayedade local government area of Osun State on Saturday after a private car crushed a mother and two children returning from vigil to death.

According to the Nation report, they were crushed to death while on motorcycle. The rider simply identified as Abraham also died.

A source in the community Sogo said: “There was a fatal accident as a private car with registration number BDG 481 JD coming from Ibadan crushed a motorcycle which conveyed two children, mother and toddler coming from church around 6am at Obada market in Ode-Omu.”

He added: “One of the children was rescued as two children, mother and the rider died instantly. The driver of the car escaped leaving two other occupants. There was mob action as they dragged two of them out and set them ablaze.”

Osun Police spokesperson Yemisi Opalola confirmed the incident, stating the two occupants of the private car set ablaze were rescued and taken to the hospital for treatment.

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