Prof. Adeolu Durotoye Declares Intention To Bear PDP’s Flag At Guber Poll

An event that was supposed to be a low key declaration of intention, became a political jamboree where party faithfuls and supporters of Prof. Adeolu Durotoye, mobilized in their hundreds to the Osun PDP state Secretariat.

The event had in attendance, the PDP state working committee,state party executives,party administrative officers, party leaders across all local government , party members and most importantly, the Newly elected Osun PDP State Chairman, Hon. Soji Adagunodo.

Party leaders From osogbo and Olorunda local government opened the floor with their respective speeches and the highlight of the event was when Prof. Adeolu Durotoye was addressing the state executives and the mammoth crowd. He spoke in glowing light of his manifesto and strategy to revamp the dying economy of Osun State. Durotoye touch on virtually all facets of good governance, he spoke about his plans on Job Creation, Economy, Education, Agriculture,  Youth Development, Sporting Activities, Health, Women Development, and a Dignified Civil Service.

According to Prof. Durotoye, the key to economic recovery in Osun State  is job creation. He promised to  create 200,000 gainful employment in the first 12 months of his Administration. Through this gainful employment, his government would have touched 1.2 million lives.

Prof. Durotoye proceeded by saying that, the best chance of the PDP in Osun to wrestle power from the APC led government is to make him (Prof. Adeolu Durotoye) the party’s flag bearer in the Osun 2018 gubernatorial election. He stated that, his credible, tactful, resourceful, unblemished, and also hails from Oshogbo , the state capital with the highest voting population in the state. He urged the party leadership, to do the right thing, in the best interest of the OSUN PDP and the suffering masses of Osun State.

Finally the Party Chairman, Hon. Soji Adagunodo unbehalf of the state executives accepted Prof. Durotoye’s  letter of intention.

He stated that, the PDP is lucky to have an aspirant like Prof Adeolu Durotoye. He said, Prof. Adeolu Durotoye’s campaign is issued based, that he addresses all important key issues, factors as well as major challenges facing Osun as a State. The chairman also stated emphatically that if the PDP chooses Prof. Adeolu DUROTOYE has the PDP flag bearer, Prof. Durotoye has what it takes to become the next Governor of osun state.

He then assured everyone, that the process of selection of the PDP candidate would be free, fair and credible.

 He prayed that God would continue to strengthen and keep Prof. DUROTOYE, his family and campaign organization. And the merriment continued…

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