I am ordering all students of Iwoland extraction in various higher institutions of learning to move away from cultism and all secret societies with immediate effect.

I have noticed the increasing rate of gangsterism, cultism, and violence activities among my sons and daughters in various Universities, Polytechnics and other higher schools of learning. And the most unfortunate part of it, our students in the secondary schools have towed the same line. Report and cases of cult activities in secondary schools have been reported to me. This must be stopped totally right from now.

I know my children. They are all born of noble. Anyone who join cult  among them are not my true sons and daughters.

 I am not a cultist. I don’t belong to any secret society. I don’t belong to any cult group. And there is no justification for any students of Iwo extraction to join cult for whatsoever reason. Anyone that does that is a bastard. S/He is not my son or daughter.

Iwo people are  known for their noble character. We are men and women of Peace.  You must stop all strange act of cultism, gangsterism if you’re truly my son.

If I don’t belong to a cult group, why would you join one.

You are my future. Students are majority of youths. You remain the greatest asset we
I have in Iwoland. And if we are very much concern about the future of this land,  you all must move away totally from cultism. We can’t build a society on rotten foundation. Students serve as a bridge between today and our tomorrow. We can’t leave the future of Iwo to the hand of cultists.

Cultism will destroy you. It will destroy your future and the worst of it all it will destroy this society.

 I am saying this categorically that no Iwoland students should be identified as cult anywhere they find themselves. I don’t want to hear of any of my student being a cult member. Move away from any acts that can tarnish your image and that of your family.  There’s nothing to gain from being a cult member but destruction.  I look up to you as the future of Iwoland and I know you all won’t disappoint me.

I am saying this authoritatively, no one should join cult group. No student from Iwo should be a member of any secret society. Tell anyone that want to lure you to any secret group of cultism that I, Oluwo of Iwoland Ọba Abdul Rasheed Adewale Telu said you must not join Cult.

If you belong to any cult before I became the Oluwo of Iwoland , it’s time to leave the cult group.  Tell your group that Oluwo said you must leave the cult group now. I don’t belong to any cult group or secret society and that give me the audacity to tell you not to belong to any cult group. You’re all Telu’ children and not a cult member. Don’t join any cult groups and if you have any friends in cultism, tell them to leave the group now. This is an order from Oluwo.


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