A man sentenced to 200 years in prison for killing all his four children.

A 40-year-old man in Kisii County, Kenya, was on Monday, February 29, sentenced to 200 years in jail for killing his 4 kids. Kisii inhabitant judge, Joseph Karanja decided that Misati will serve the sentence simultaneously for a long time for each of the four checks of homicide he had been accused of. By Digital News, the case has been in court subsequent to 2013 when Misati was accused of murdering his four youngsters, Toto, 3, Brian, 9, Ontoyo, 7, and Naomi Mogutu, 5. Lukas Misati perpetrated the wrongdoing outside their rental houses in Egesa in Kitutu Chae Central, on the night of November 10, 2012 after a fight with his wife, Helen Kemunto (imagined) In her testimony, Kemunto told the court that her spouse returned home on the night of that game changing day, woke her up and said he needed them to move. She rejected and Misati assaulted her with a blade. Kemunto got away with wounds and figured out how to get treatment at an adjacent healing facility. "I figured out how to escape and went to look for treatment at Kisii Level Five Hospital," the affdiavit peruses. Be that as it may, when she returned home, she found the youngsters missing. "I thought they had moved to another house. My spouse called our proprietor and advised her to illuminate me that i pick my youngsters from a close-by shrub. In any case, one of the kids lay dead at the doorstep while the other three bodies were in the adjacent nappier grass" A posthumous completed on the bodies uncovered that the passings were brought about by strangulation. Misati was on the keep running for one year before he was grabbed by the police on November 21, 2013. After his sentencing, Misati related that everything happened so quick to have the capacity to tell what happened that night

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