A teenager dies from complications due to birth control pills.

A high school young lady who was on the preventative pill kicked the bucket from a 'to an extremely uncommon' blood clump in the wake of returning home from a family occasion, an examination listened. Sophie Murray, 16, had been recommended the pill for around eight months when she came back from Gran Canaria last September. Be that as it may, after two weeks, the "cheerful and solid" young person, from Accrington, began grumbling of shortness of breath and mid-section torment. Blackburn Coroners Court heard how tests by her GP affirmed she was experiencing exercise instigated asthma (EIA), the mirror.co.uk report says. She was endorsed an inhaler, then again it was incapable. Mum Shelley Crichton told the listening to how Sophie woke up on November 8 a year ago saying she couldn't inhale and not long after had a "fit" and her 'lips turned blue'. She was raced to healing center however passed away soon thereafter. Dr Richard Prescott said Sophie kicked the bucket of a pneumonic embolism because of profound vein thrombosis (DVT) and a contributory component was the oral preventative pill. He told the listening to that the 'huge coagulation' was 8mm in width and on the off chance that it had been recognized before she could have been given blood thinners and survived. The investigation heard how Sophie was utilizing the "basic" pill Microgynon and a flyer going with the solution cautioned how utilizing it 'expands the danger of building up a blood coagulation' and in 'extremely uncommon cases' a blood coagulation can frame yet it is 'once in a while deadly'. Joanne Birch, an authority medical caretaker in sudden and unforeseen passings, said just six out of each 10,000 ladies on the preventative pill create DVT, contrasted with just two in 10,000 without the pill, and that fatalities are 'to a great degree uncommon'. Sophie was an understudy at Accrington Academy and longed for being a paramedic.

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