Popular actor and filmmaker, Adedimeji Lateef, has opened up on the qualities that attracted his Nollywood colleague, Adebimpe Oyebade, popularly known as Mo’ Bimpe, to him.
In an interview with GoldMyneTV, the 35-year-old ‘Crying Machine’ showered encomiums on his wife-to-be while he spoke about her outstanding qualities.
“I’m just gonna say she’s amazing. And she has a clear understanding of me. That’s about it,” he said.
He said: “Why not?! It is a thing of joy. Yes, I’m happy. I must be happy and I am happy about it.”
The Nollywood couple had tried to keep their relationship under wrap.
They have, however, put that aside as they are set to tie the knot on December 22.
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