Maryam Apaokagi, better known by her stage name Taooma, has responded to her colleague, Chukwuemeka Emmanuel Ejekwu, widely known as Mr Funny or Oga Sabinus, winning the best online creative award at the 2022 AMVCA Awards.
Sabinus was named the winner in the area of online content makers at the 8th Edition of the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards, according to
Taooma used her Instagram account to celebrate her colleague’s success by posting a photo of Sabinus.
Meanwhile, Debo Adedayo, also known as Mr Macaroni, a popular content producer performer, has complimented Sabinus for his accomplishment.
“Sabinus getting the AMVCA Award is really well deserved!!” Mr Macaroni remarked on his Twitter account.
“He has brought joy and laughter to the faces of millions including mine. I have also had the pleasure of featuring him in about 3 of my contents. I share in his win.
“Please let us not ruin this beautiful moment.”
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