Your Money Should Be Submitted To Your Husband Before Spending A Dime – Prophetess Warns Women
Nigerian women have been warned that if they refuse to submit their money to their husbands before spending it, they risk having their prayers unanswered.
Prophetess Patience Obi gave the warning to women during a sermon.
She said women should submit their money to their husbands before spending it.
According to her, the reason is because the man is the head of the home and should be in charge of how a woman spends her money.
She said: ”Your money should be submitted to your husband before you spend a dime out of it. Yes you heard me right.
“Your money belongs to both of you and he has the authority, full authority, over the money, over your resources, to tell you how to spend it and what to do with it.
“Remember he is the head of the home. You are to submit to him in everything including ”My money”. The way we call it.
It is ”our money” and he has the control over the money. ”
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