Read 10 Ways To Make Your Skin Beautiful And Attractive

1. Stay hydrated and do it with plenty of water 

That doesn’t mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

2. Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays.

UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn’t bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must be in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen.

 Don’t leave home without it!

3. When you purchase sun screen make certain you are buying the right tool for the job.

 There are different types of UV rays and they don’t all affect our skin in the same ways. The time of year also has a bearing on how much damage the sun can do to your skin.

Altitude is another important factor. UV rays are more intense at high altitudes. Sunshine alone is not the culprit.

You can do just as much damage to your skin (or in some cases even more) on a cloudy day!

4. Apply your sunscreen BEFORE going outdoors

 And allow plenty of time for it to adequately absorb into your skin cells rather than just sitting on top of the skin.

5.Read the labels on skin care products.

The truth is that some ingredients may do more harm than good.

The more ingredients that are listed, the more potential harm they can do to your skin.

Here is a list of some of the common ingredients found in skin care products that have the potential to irritate your skin:

 Citrus juices and oils
Eugenol Fir needle
 Sandalwood oil
And many  more…

There are a few ingredients that are totally banned by the Food and Drug Administration and should be avoided:

 Mercury compounds
 And many  more…

6.Keep your skin clean. 

Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

 7. Exfoliate dead skin cells every night. Create your own facial masks. 

Here are a couple of excellent masks that you can create with ingredients right from your kitchen

(a)  Oatmeal mask: Mix oatmeal with skim milk and apply.

(b) Eggs: A raw egg yolk makes an excellent face mask.

(c) Try adding a little honey to the egg yolk for a change of pace.

(d) Mayonnaise makes another terrific face mask and will leave your skin feeling very soft.

8. If you have particularly sensitive skin, try a Pepto Bismol facial. Apply with a soft cotton ball directly from the bottle; just as it soothes the stomach, it will sooth your skin. Cover your face and neck and allow to dry before rinsing.

9. Use an antioxidant cream.

 You are bombarded every day
with environmental toxins that attack the surface of your skin.

In fact most damage to the skin can be attributed to free radicals.

When you expose yourself to toxins like air pollution free radical production increases. Apply an antioxidant cream to your skin before applying your sun screen.

10. If you have oily skin, only apply a toner in the T zone, your forehead and nose.

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