As a Stakeholder of exactly 15years in the Education Sector of Osun, I would like to make this few points on the Osun Education Review.
There are two types of Leaders;
1. A GREAT LEADER : He wants to take his people to where they ought to be. He sees beyond what his subjects are currently seeing. He is visionary. His approach to Politics is that of David Easton and Niccolo Machiavelli’s definitions of politics.
2. A GOOD LEADER: He wants to give his people what they want. Adhering to the yearnings and immediate needs at every point in time. His approach to politics is that of Harold Laswel’s definition of Politics.
An understanding of the above definitions of Leaders would make everyone appreciate the uniqueness of each leader. Any leader found using any of these approaches is not bad. But no LEADER can make use of the two at the same time. You rather choose one. They both have their merits and demerits.
Most Government policies should be dynamic and the dynamism may be a cause for review at anytime. Review could bring about scrapping, readjusting, remolding, upholding or even re-inventing a new policy or model.
However, because of politics and it’s undertone, the intention behind a Policy Review also has to be looked into. Many issues that have been raised against this review has both theoretical and political undertone: Is it to spite the inventor of the policy? Is it to ridiculously ridicule the inventor of the policy? Is it to add value to the existing policy by a way of restructuring? How is the review being presented? Is the outcome of the review presented in a way that appears to bad-talk the inventor of the policy? Is it to address the yearnings of the people?
All these need to be critically looked into before coming into conclusion as individuals.
I know OYETOLA too well likewise AREGBESOLA. I honestly don’t have any issue with them on this basically because of their understanding of my definitions of leadership which I had personally told the two of them on separate grounds.
But what shall we do about those beating the drum of discord?
Someone asked me where I belong? I replied: “belong as in?” And he later said: “OYETOLA or AREGBESOLA,” then, my response was precise. I told him “Aregbesola is my FATHER, Oyetola is my BOSS.” He was confused. So, I left him with his confused thoughts. But it’s as simple as that.
In conclusion, as a “Technocratic Politician” that my wife calls me and that I am, I would advise Mr Gboyega Oyetola, the Executive Governor of the State of Osun to handle this well so everyone would see the merit in his intention to review and for all to take ownership following the political insinuations going on. AFTER GOD, WE ALL NEED OURSELVES TO SURVIVE.

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