Muslim Lawyer Warn Premium Time to Represent Its Fact about Ta’awun Unless Faces Litigation

In this part of the world just like the larger world, Muslims and Islamic organizations and groups are the target of negative reporting by some ill-intention and subjective journalists whose pens are always vomiting “black-acidic” ink to malign Muslims and Muslim organization. The business of journalism is dominated with non-Muslims practitioners and most of them have determined to fight their war against Islam through their pens and the medium at their disposal. It is most unpalatable, ridiculous and irritating when Muslims are target in this manner in a country where fundamental rights is guaranteed in the Constitution of Nigeria and the law frown at defamation of character. We are lawyers for humanity, as we promote humanity through our profession so also, we defend the religion of Allah through the law we practice.

MR. Josiah Oluwole of Premium Time  was crafty in his journey to attack our organization when he stylishly wrote a story titled “Investigation: Despite Neighbour Anxiety, Controversial Islamic Sect Preaches Tolerance”. He thought he was wise, hiding behind the tongues of unknown person to execute his evil mission against Ta’awun’.

Ja’amat Ta’awun is an organization with his trustees registered with Corporate Affair Commission with its laudable mission and vision which include proliferation of education- Islamic and Western education in Nigeria.

 “How there you (Josiah Oluwole) refer to “Ta’awun” as “Islamic sect”? The guy from Premium Time must be ready to define how Ta’awun becomes “Islamic sect” and “controversial” in the court of law soon. In his story, these two vocabularies unveil his intention to malign our noble organization.

He wrote: “… People are worried the way Ta’awun is propagating in their mist without check by the authority”

Quote me, many journalists don’t realize they need to go back to school, how would a journalist write the above sentence if he really passes through the four wall of school where the freedom of association which is guaranteed by the constitution of Nigeria is thought either as core subject or a general course. Anyway, we teach him via this medium that there is fundamental right of freedom of association, freedom of thought and expression guaranteed by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

He also wrote the following, claiming he extracted the fact from people we would possibly want to hear from in the court:

“There is a growing fear that in observers of the group that it contains a magma that may soon erupt to wreck another round of sectarian havoc on Nigeria”

“The group is training it security force and when you watch them, they are trained in combat and martial arts”

“And during the time of politics these security men are used by politicians, and that is really dangerous”

”The trainer popularly called coach was brought from Libya to train the member in martial art and other combat techniques”

Islamic groups have surfer from a serious blow from the deliberate attempt of some journalists to continue to deface Muslims and Islamic groups. In our own case, it is going to be a different story as any attempt to punch us with evil pen by anti-Islam journalists will be met with legal actions.

Just as our law guarantee self defence, Ta’awun trained members are popular in the city of Iwo for their civility, and respect to the rule of law. They are dedicated to providing self defence to the members in accordance to the law. They work closely with the security agent, in the security of life and properties. The department that the writer of Premium Time invest its skill to malign is known and applauded for it role in providing surveillant and security of life and properties in Iwo town in the night.

What Josiah Oluwole of premium Time intended by his story is evil, I concluded. How far can he prove the fact that the coach was train in Libya? He may be called He may be called to substantiate that in the court of law soon. Why Libya? After all, Libya is one the country known for terrorism…

I condemn this story written by  Josiah Oluwole of Premium Time  considered it as a tactical journalistic attack against an organization that has the right to exist and carries out its activities in accordance with law of the land. The Premium Time has violated the law of defamation are will be dragged to court for libel.

What has Islam done for the evil pen? So insincere are many hands and pen among journalists both locally and internationally, their pens rarely write what is good about Islam. As Ta’awun is known to move with legal and lawful sophisticated resources, it will “sue the bastard” whenever anyone among the journalists write with the other side of the pen against Islam and we are starting with Premium Time.


By Abdulsalam Abdulfatah Liberty

A Human Rights Lawyer

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