Large Oil bunkers depot discovered in Lagos

A span of area covered up at Roberts Island, a town off Lagos waters close Atlas Cove, where oil dugouts puncture oil pipelines and take oil items, was yesterday found and uncovered by a group drove by the Petroleum Minister, Ibe Kachiukwu. An inquiry around the spot demonstrated gear utilized by the oil fortifications to puncture oil pipelines and afterward store the items in the barrels presented previously. The barrels and the instruments utilized for vandalization were all discovered covered in the ground. It seemed all inhabitants in the group had a part in the vandalism as not one of them reported the matter to the police. Dr Kachikwu couldn't conceal his mistake as he identifies with newsmen after the revelation. "I should say that I was extremely baffle to discover this revelation yet much as I was upbeat that it was discovered, it just took a great deal of wind off my sail in the feeling of what next and who knows what number of more have not been discovered.‎ At the end of the day, the obligation regarding ensuring the advantages of Nigerians must lie in the hands of Nigerians. There is no enchantment that I have that I will have the capacity to convey zero occurrence environment, given the quantity of assaults we are getting all over yet toward the day's end, groups like these ones must start to ascend and say this is simply not right."‎he said

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