The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Kogi state said the commission had started withdrawing all sensitive election materials issued out earlier for the 2019 general elections scheduled to hold today but was postponed by a week.
Ahmed Biambo, the INEC Director of Voter Education and Publicity in Kogi state, who disclosed this to newsmen in Lokoja on Saturday said that the materials were being returned back to all the local government offices of INEC.
“Further directive was being awaited on whether to return the sensitive materials to the Central Bank of Nigeria or to the police armory for safe keeping,” he said.
According to Mr. Biambo, the office has also ordered immediate transportation of all the ad hoc staff, especially National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members back to their bases.
“The office did not receive ballot papers for the Kogi East senatorial election until about 2am when the election was suddenly postponed,” he said.
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