BBNaija season 6 participates Whitemoney, Pere, Angel and Liquorose has appeared on DELSU Exam Question.
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Mr. Whitemoney, a prominent Star Artist and the just concluded winner of 2021 Big Brother Nigeria episode has requested you as a Legal Practitioner engaged in active legal practice and Solicitors job to prepare his Will. You visited him in his house and took instructions in his Parlour with Jumoke the first wife intermițtently interrupting both of you with whispers to whitemoney, who was given his Big Cigar and shots of Jameson Irish Whiskey, his favourite.
Favour, Whitemoney’s second wife never appeared in the scene. At a stage, Whitemoney who was drunk complained ot acute headache, but you encourage him to manage himself and conclude the instruction you were taking, he incaherently did. At last, you prepared the WIll and part of the contents of the will is that Whitemoney gave 85% of all his properties to Jumoke and her children Pere, Angel and Liquorose to the …
This person no go make heaven