A shocking footage demonstrates the minute a bare man strolls into an eatery and sets down on a table. With one and only lady working in the bistro, the man begins yelling at her and requesting that she shoot him in the head. He lays face up on a long table, sits on the counter and at one unnerving point he takes after the lady into a back room as she tries to make tracks in an opposite direction from him. He is accounted for to have yelled: "Murder me, please. "Rush, shoot in the head. "Push the frenzy catch and bring the Special Forces squad in here, quick." The specialist lets him know: "I as of now pushed the alert catch, however simply get off the counter please." The man obviously in a condition of trouble answers: "I won't, I am going to stay here." He begins wiping things off the counter and tries to break into the cabinet where the lady is yelling at him. At the point when cops arrive they instantly push the man to the floor, where he is calmed by medicinal staff. The occurrence, which occurred in the focal Russian city of Saratov, finished when the police escorted the man out of the building. He was taken to a protected psychiatric unit for treatment
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