WTF! See Photo Of A White Man Pressing A Young Woman’s Breasts In A Gym

What is this white man doing? Isn’t he romancing the woman? Doesn’t it appear as though the girl is uncomfortable with his attentions, amorous and improper?

A Facebook user, Song, posted this photo some moments ago. He wrote, “Whites folks who come to African do this. Molest and abuse young girls and go free. This is to show how care free some of our African Countries are. Still worshipping the white man as if we are still under the colonial period. If this was to Happen in Europe or America, the FBI, CIA, combat armies will be looking for you round the world in 80days. How Pathetic.”

So what the hell is going on? Is this romance? Or the white man is truly abusing and molesting our girl? Is this right? What do you think?

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