The Nollywood actor has been on the receiving sides of hoodlums. Under six months this will be the third time he will be attacked but this time around it is by enraged Hausa men.
Johnson who was on his way to the Redemption camp for the monthly Holy Ghost service from Ibadan on Friday, March 4 shared the news of his recent attack on his Instagram timeline. He wrote that some Hausa guys attacked his car and other oncoming vehicles around Ogere axis of the Lagos-Ibadan expressway. He was able to drive to safety but not with his car intact as the wind screen of his car was broken.
Read his story below he Share on Facebook and on Twitter below..
“That’s my windscreen mobbed on lagos-ibadan expressway around Ogere by some hausa guys putting big wood on the road and stoning cars with plastic and cans… if u ar plying that road pls be careful… Police please help restore sanity on the highway… However that can’t stop us from attending the monthly HolyGhost service at the Redeemed camp… last month was ARRESTING THE ARRESTERS…… this month’s theme is THE WINNING SIDE… leggoo… #Godblessourhustle #Godownsmylife #GODOVERALL…..”
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