FEYDA BOT Calls For Calm Among Members Over President, VP Suspension, Promises Fair Hearing


The Board of Trustees for Forum Of Ede Youth Development Association (FEYDA) has called for calm among its executive members over the alleged suspension of president and vice president, promising a fair hearing for all parties involved.

This was contained in a press statement signed by FEYDA BOT Chairman, Comrade Imran Mojeed Adekunle popularly known as ‘Osama’, on Thursday and made available to AMILOADED Correspondent.

Comrade Mojeed affirmed that FEYDA is not a political party, but a youth association saddled with the responsibility of working for the progress and development of Edeland.

He implored people not to take advantage of the crisis within the executive arm to politicize the association, while assuring that the BOT will resolve all matters of suspension without bias.

The BOT condemned the manner in which the suspension of the association president, Comr Afọlabi Waliu Abiọla and his Vice Comr Oluwadare Mọruf escalated to social media without proper investigation, urging members to always follow due process as enshrined in the association’s constitution.

He also appealed to the aggrieved members to channel their grievances to the right channel, rather than social media for immediate resolution.

The Statement reads; “The suspension letter of the President of Forum of Ẹdẹ Youth Development Association, Comr. Afọlabi Waliu Abiọla, and his Vice, Comr. Oluwadare Mọruf, on Thursday, 10th October 2024, came as a shock. Since then, our members have been restless, attending meetings and receiving incessant calls.

“The most disturbing aspect is that some leaders, who should remain calm and objective, have joined forces to spread the suspension news. Our Association is guided by laws, specifically the FEYDA Constitution, which does not empower National Executive members to suspend the President and Vice President.

“We are surprised that the crisis, which was never reported or investigated within the Association, has been made public. We condemn this act and must address it.

“According to the FEYDA Constitution, Article Three, Section D outlines the process for suspension and removal of NEC, BOT, and Congress members:

Sub section: i.
Any member of the Congress, NEC and BoT may be suspended if a motion for his/her suspension is moved and approved by the Congress on the ground that he/she fails to perform his/her official duties i.e NEC and BoT for at least three consecutive meetings without a genuine reason(s) and misbehaviour of Congress member.

Sub section ii.
Any member of the NEC may be removed, if a motion for his her removal is moved and approved by the Congress.

Sub section: iii
Any member of the NEC and BoT shall cease to hold his/her office if a member for his/her removal is moved and supported not less than 2/3rd majority of member of the congress.

Therefore, the suspension letter of Comr. Afọlabi Waliu Abiọla and Comr. Oluwadare Mọruf does not follow due process.


We do not support any party involved, but condemn the process by which allegations against the president and vice president were handled without due process and investigation as outlined in our constitution. As law-abiding citizens, our association is not exempt. No member has the constitutional right to suspend the president, but can write a petition against leaders.

“The duly signed rejoinder letter to reinstate Mr. President and his Vice has been issued by the Executive and handed over to the DPO Division “A”, who wisely installed peace among us. During the crucial peace meeting, the Board of Trustees (BoT), as the proper body to receive such a letter, was empowered to conduct a thorough investigation and we wil submit our findings to Congress.

“The court case regarding this matter has also been withdrawn by the members who initiated the legal process. We, the BoT, assure the good people of Ẹdẹ that we will soon resume the hearing.

“We implore everyone whose rights have been affected or who has issues related to the charges against our President or other Executive members to lodge their complaints with us.

“Also, the FEYDA Executive will be invited for investigation, and we promise a fair hearing to all involved.

“We urge political parties and politicians not to interfere in this matter, as it does not relate to politics. This is about Ede youth. Our association is known for promoting Ede’s progress. Our core mandate is to provide support for our indigenous people at all levels for the progress of our community.

“We appreciate our King, Ọba (Dr) Munirudeen Adesọla Lawal, and his Chiefs; the President of Ẹdẹ Descendant Union, Professor Ademola Olaitan, and his executive; and other stakeholders for their intervention, support, and valuable advice. Thank you all.”

See peace meeting pictures below;

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