Why I Refunded N21m Mistakenly Sent To Me By Foreign Crypto Trader – Nigerian Giveaway Winner (Video)


A Nigerian man named Anjola Femi, who received $14k (approximately N21 million) mistakenly sent to him by a foreign cryptocurrency trader, has opened up on the reason behind his decision to return the money.

The incident went viral on social media when trader @raffayalvi publicly praised Femi for his honesty. It appeared that Femi participated in a cryptocurrency giveaway organized by Rafael Alvi, a foreign trader.

Femi was initially awarded $100 worth of Solana, but then received a message from Alvi admitting an error: he had accidentally transferred $14,000 instead of $100.

His kind gesture triggered massive reactions as social media users showered encomium on him for refunding the Solana.

Femi narrated, “My name is Anjola Femi, the guy that is known as Lucky, that is the Twitter handle @muchino67.”

“So I won this giveaway on Solana, $100 worth of Solana from Rafael Alvi this morning. So, what happened was that he sent it to me.”

“So, when he sent it to me, he now messaged me that he mistakenly sent 100 Solana which was $14k instead of $100. So, he requested me to hold 10 and send 90 to him in which I did…”

In recent update, Femi revealed why he returned the $14k worth of Solana because he is a child of God and he wanted the foreign crypto trader to be happy.

In his words, “I cannot keep the money because it is not mine. I am child of God and we all know that righteousness exalts a nation and thank God for Apostle Chris Onofua, the Kingdom Spread World Ministry general overseer. He has taught us the way of righteousness, so I am very very happy about what I did.”

“He is happy, I am happy. I am just trying to show to the world that we Nigerians we are still great and also have a lot of people with integrity. I am also a graduate of the Federal University of Technology, Minna, 2017 set, chemical engineering to be precise. Thank you and God bless you all.”

Watch the video below:

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