BREAKING: Reps To Sacrifice 50% Salaries To Address Hardship


Members of the House of Representatives on Thursday, July 18, resolved to sacrifice 50 percent of their monthly salaries to address the current economic crisis in the country.

The speaker inferred that each lawmaker’s salary was about N600,000 monthly.

The Deputy Speaker had proposed an amendment to a motion appealing to young Nigerians planning a protest as a result of the hardship in the country, saying members should consider sacrificing 50 percent of their pay to address hunger in the land.

However, when the Speaker, Hon. Abbas Tajudeen put the motion to voice vote, the majority of members voted in favour of the motion.

In proposing the amendment, Kalu reminded members that the House took a similar decision during the COVID-19 era and that it worked very well for the country.

The Speaker commended members for their resolve to sacrifice part of their salaries to address hunger in the land just as some members asked the Executive to also make sacrifices in line with what the Lawmakers have done.

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