It’s Very Tough to Be a Responsible Man Nowadays, Says Osun-Based Journalist


By: Thomas Abidoye

An Osun-based journalist, Adedayo Oderinu, has stated that it is very tough to be a responsible man nowadays.

In a recent Facebook post, the journalist expressed concern about how men have to work multiple jobs, hustle tirelessly like a thief, but ultimately take everything home for their families, leaving only a pittance for themselves.

While lamenting that despite men’s efforts to provide for their families, they still face unfair societal criticisms.

He wrote; “As I made to drive into the office premises this morning, a middle-aged man beckoned on me, seeking audience to tell me something.

“He drew closer and told me stories of how he just moved into Osogbo and has been hustling as a printer in a popular printing hub in Osogbo, but sales had been poor.

“He told me how difficult it has been to feed his family. According to him, it was Ileya food from neighbours that his family lived on all through yesterday.

“Long story short, he was begging me for some foodstuff, so he could at least feed his family.

“I asked the security man to take his account details and phone number. By the time the security brought the details, I discovered they were his wife’s.

“He begged for support, but most likely didn’t touch a dime of it. All went to his family.

“Thinking about it now, I think that’s why I’ve been in a bad mood all through today.

“It’s very tough to be a really responsible man nowadays. You do many jobs, hustle like a thief, but take everything home to your family, leaving just some pittance for yourself.

“The same man, literally dying under the weight of his responsibilities, then have to face some very unfair societal criticisms.

“Drained of all mental, emotional, and physical energy, he still gets judged ever so harshly by people who do not know the first thing about burden bearing.

“Then we ask the question, “why do women live longer than their male partners?”

Isn’t that obvious?”

See the post screenshot below;

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