I’m Not a 50/50 Man, Will Never Split Bills With My Wife – IK Osakioduwa


Media personality and actor IK Osakioduwa has revealed his stance on splitting bills with his wife.

In a recent interview with Toke Makinwa on her podcast, “Toke Moments”, IK Osakioduwa emphasised that he has never split bills with his wife and has no intention of doing so.

According to him, his wife is not aware of the cost of school fees and has never used her own money to pay for it.

He emphasised that he will never allow his wife to pay for such bills in their household, stating, “I will never be a 50/50 type of man. My wife doesn’t know how much school fees is. She might know, but she has never brought out her own money to pay school fees before, and she will never, IJN”.

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