Drama As Aisha Yesufu Refuses To Stand Up, Sing New National Anthem At Event (Video)


Aisha Yesufu, a Nigerian activist, made a daring statement by refusing to recognize the new National Anthem at an occasion.

While others stood and sang along, Yesufu remained seated, dressed in an all-red attire that set her apart from the rest.

Her decision to sit out the anthem was a planned act of protest, indicating her disagreement with the recent alterations to the national symbol.

Aisha Yesufu’s actions elicited a mixed response, with some appreciating her boldness in voicing her ideas and others criticizing her for being impolite.

See below:

1 Comment

  1. Hogwash.
    Who cares whether she stands up or sit down or even walk out when the National Anthem is on ? Why are you wasting our time on her nonsensical publicity stunt and her crude showpiece. To patriots it is better to ignore her than to make her uneccessarily relevant.
    Apart from the local press in Nigeria does anyone reckon with who ever she is outside Nigeria? Just asking ?

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