Bello El-Rufai Lacks Proper Home Training – Activist Deji Adeyanju


Activist, Deji Adeyanju has stated that Bello, son of former Governor of Kaduna state, Nasir El-Rufai lacks proper home training and that he is childish and arrogantly.

Adeyanju shared this thought while reacting to the response Bello gave in an interview.

Bello in an interview he had recently, was asked to comment on the unflattering comment he made to an X (formerly Twitter) user who he clashed with back in April 2020. During the exchange of words on the social media platform, Bello threatened to ‘pass’ the X user’s mother ‘to his friends’ .

In his recent interview, Bello was asked to speak on that incident. He responded;

‘’What I mean was that I can ask his mother out and I can date her, it’s like a level thing. He thinks he is bad and I can date his mother. And are you sure I can’t? Have you seen my car?”

Reacting to his comment, Adeyanju described Bello as one who lacks home training.;

‘’Truly speaking, Bello ElRufai lacks proper home training and it is super evident. If not, how can you justify the question on rape by saying you can date someone’s mother and double down to say: have you seen my car! What stupid car? So childish and arrogantly so. Gosh! ‘’

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