High School Coach Arrested For Punching Player In Stomach


An American high school football coach has been arrested after he was caught on camera punching a player in the stomach during a game in Atlanta.

The unnamed coach who was employed by Mays High School punched the player on Saturday at the Eddie. S Henderson Stadium at Midtown High School in Atlanta, United States, Daily Mail reports Sunday.

In the video clip, the coach was seen yelling at the player on the sidelines, before punching him in the stomach who bent over in pain.

Atlanta Public Schools said the ‘lay coach’ and coaching assistant who do not teach in the school or hold professional certification, but who must complete a GHSA training programme had been arrested.

Director, APS media relations, Seth Coleman, said, “A lay coach for Mays High School, who is not a classroom instructor, is in police custody after an incident that occurred on the sideline during the school’s game this afternoon against Douglas County High School.

“Video from the live broadcast of the game appears to show the lay coach physically assaulting a player.

“The adult faces administrative charges from the district as well.”

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