GOF Congratulates Principal, Oyetola, On Ministerial Appointment, says Ex-Osun Gov’ll Deliver


The management and staff of an Osun State-based Non-Governmental Organisation, Gboyega Oyetola Foundation (GOF), have congratulated their principal and former governor of the state, Gboyega Oyetola, on his appointment and inauguration as the Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, AMILOADED reports.

The GOF congratulated Oyetola in a statement signed the its Chairman, Prince Felix Adeyemi Awofisayo, on Tuesday.

It stated that Oyetola’s appointment did not come “as a big surprise to his numerous supporters and admirers across the country in view of his sterling administrative acumen, which he displayed while he served as governor of the state.”

It added, “To those of us your supporters and admirers, your recent nomination and appointment by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is no big surprise.

“Your administrative acumen while being at the helms of affairs in Osun State was a testament of your good qualities as a financial guru.”

The GOF stressed that as a pioneer minister in-charge of the newly-created Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy, Oyetola would display what he is known for, financial wizardry, to make positive impact on the nation’s economy.

“Our Principal’s appointment as a Federal Minister of a newly-created ministry in-charge of ocean-related resources would serve as a model for others, as he would cause his experience gathered over decades to bear in the management of the ministry’s resources,” it said.

In his remarks, Awofisayo noted that it was based on confirmation by President Tinubu’s belief in Oyetola’s administrative ingenuity and ability to deliver on any assignment given to him.

He added that the new ministry under Oyetola’s watch would exploit every avenue to tap into the hitherto unexplored marine resources across the country in the overall interest of Nigerians.

He therefore charged all Nigerians to fully support and pray for the success of Oyetola and all members of President Tinubu’s cabinet in the task of taking Nigeria to greater heights.

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