Woman Hacks Middle-aged Man To Death For R@ping Her 3-Yr-Old Daughter, Residents Burn Her Houses


Kenyan woman who hacked a middle-aged man to death after she found him def!ling her 3-year-old daughter, is under police guard in a hospital.

The 35-year-old woman is admitted at Kapsabet County referral hospital in Nandi together with her child under the watch of police officers.

She hacked to death the man on Thursday evening, July 13, 2023, at Kolong village in Nandi central when she found the deceased def!ling her child at her house.

The deceased had defiled the same child a year ago when she was two years old.

He was released by a Kapsabet court after he was found to mentally challenge.

Nandi Central police Commander David Anyir, who confirmed the incident, said the villagers, who were reacting to the murd£r of the man, attacked the child’s mother and torched her houses and Tea bushes.

The enraged villagers also attacked police officers smashing the windscreen of the police van on the rescue mission of the woman.

The body of the deceased was removed on Friday afternoon from the murder scene by police officers 10 hours after they were prevented by an angry mob.

The woman, the OCPD said was already a murder suspect and would face the law after she recovers.

She suffered serious body injuries meted on her by the neighbours who accused her of murder.

Her baby girl is also admitted and being treated for tears in her private parts and trauma, hospital sources said.

“She has been def!led twice by the same person, the deceased. The mother had no alternative after finding him red-handed in the act…and hacked him to d£ath on the spot,” Alice Sum said.

1 Comment

  1. The men in the place are bunch of rapist and pedophiles. If there is sanity at all in Kenya, none of the people burnt her house must escape justice. They should all rot in jail!

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