Drama As Hospital Charges Woman #16000 For Crying In Doctor’s Office (Photos)

A tweep has narrated how her sister was charged $40 approximately #16000 in Nigeria currency for crying In the  US Hospital.

Camille Johnson tweeted;

My little sister has been really struggling with a health condition lately and finally got to see a doctor. They charged her $40 for crying.

She has a rare disease so she’s been really struggling to find care. She got emotional because she feels frustrated and helpless. One tear in and they charged her $40 without addressing why she is crying, trying to help, doing any evaluation, any prescription, nothing.

They charged her more for crying than they did for a vision assessment test.
They charged her more for crying than for a hemoglobin test.
They charged her more for crying than for a health risk assessment.
They charged her more for crying than for a capilary blood draw.

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