Ex-lawmaker, Makinde Formally Declares Intent To Run For Reps In APC, Unveils Manifesto (See)

A former member of the House of Representatives,  Hon. Rotimi Makinde has formally declared interest to return to the lower chamber to represent the people of Ife Federal Constituency saying that he is poised towards making changes in his constituency.

 Makinde reeled out seven points agenda of what his constituents would enjoy should he be elected representative.

In his address,  a copy of which was made available to Amiloaded on Saturday, Makinde said,  “first, all my constituents without discrimination will have unfettered access to me and the programs and activities of the federal government. Secondly, I will attend sittings without fail. My people will see me often in the House, hear my voice clear and loud, and have me champion their causes both those of individuals, communities and the entire constituency. The era when no one speaks for us will be over with my presence in the house shall be well worthy, the tricks to catch attention and to lobby already known .

“Thirdly, I will provide my constituents with the best of leadership, and consistently the linkage with Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the federal government for employment and business. E. g NEMA, CBN,BOI, Agric loans etc. Fourthly, I will capture the infrastructural needs of my people and ensure they are listed in the budget even before it is presented yearly on the floor of the house. I will endeavor to lobby the executive arm of the government to achieve this and then my known colleagues to ensure my projects are listed and passed.It is a familiar route that usually takes time to learn. Thereby my re election shall reposition, reconnect me with the technical and know how to attract Federal presence in my constituency without bias.

“Fifth, I will be sponsoring relevant motions and bills that will improve the quality of life of my people and the nation,it requires plenty of sense to get motion and bill listed not a child play. Sixth, my constituency projects will be traceable, visible, valuable and useful to our people  across the constituency which includes the Modakeke,Ifetedo, Ipetumodu and others .

“Seventh, I will use my office to ensure the protection of the rights to freedom and liberties of my constituents and to promote art and culture as an ambassador of entertainment industry. It was a tough decision to make and I have done extensive consultations with my family, my colleagues and my close friends over the past two years to consider this. I will put my candidacy forward for National Assembly post by the grace of God..

The former federal lawmaker said,  “Comrades, friends on this platform and well-wishers, today marks an important milestone in my life, as I am declaring my intention to run for the Federal House of Representatives to represent the good people of the Ife federal constituency under the All Progressives Congress. I have been a staunch member since 2006 when I rode the train to the State of Osun as part of the team of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola and the Oranmiyan team. I have decided to offer myself as a candidate for the Federal House of Representative to represent the good people of the Ife federal constituency.

“Though I will miss the private life I have enjoyed for the past three years, the family life and opportunity to give back to the society without the political appellation  in running for the Federal House of Representative to represent Ife federal constituency, my passion to serve all Ife federal constituency remains unabated. It is a heavy responsibility but I hope that with the support of the people of Ife federal constituency, we can do more good together.

“Some have claimed that I was too polite to be a politician, as if it was a weakness for a politician to listen to what you have to say. My friends, I cannot promise to be less of a good guy, you know where I stand and you know I will fight for the priorities you hold dear. To defend families, seniors, farmers and the less priviledge in our constituency. To bring dividend of democracy home, to stop the marginalization of our constituency and instead invest in our land and people and to give a voice to my constituency in the National assembly.

“Something is happening in Nigeria right now, there is a wind of change. A wind that has been blowing since 2015 and has blown along the Ife Federal Constituency. From Ile-Ife where I was born, to Modakeke, to Ipetumodu, to Origbo. A wind of renewal coming from as far as Moro, Ifetedo, Yakooyo and Asipa. And blowing through Ife Land, the land where I was raised. Wind from every corner in Ife federal constituency, which will breathe new life into politics. In the time I have spent consulting with the people of Ife federal constituency, they have said loud and clear, that too many families can’t make ends meet; that too many old people are living in poverty, that they have had enough of the same old promises from politicians; that they deserve better. That is why we should dare to bring about change.

“Strengthening relationship with the other branches of our government is a demanding obligation; we must move Ife Federal Constituency and the country forward together. I am ready to provide a leadership that has the commitment to protect the economy of our Constituency, the State of Osun and Nigeria. I am ready to exercise high moral rectitude couple with respect to the rule of law.

“Change that is now necessary because Ife Federal Constituency is running in circles. Because for too long, we have replaced scandals with different scandals, scandals that the people of Ife Federal Constituency could not tolerate anymore. Because some want to benefit from divisive politics. Because issues that matter to most people of Ife Federal Constituency are yet to be settled. The people are ready for this change. The people of this land are ready for this change. My friends, I am ready to bring this change to Ife Federal Constituency, so that Ife Federal Constituency can have a strong voice in the National Assembly. In every corner of the constituency, my Soludero team is ready for this challenge.

“Fortunately, our democracy is gradually deepening. I can say this because my people; the good people of IFE FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY have called on me to represent them again in the Federal House of Representatives. I am sure those who made the call and the hundreds I consulted with who consented have looked at my pedigree and my antecedents as an active member at the House of Representatives during my years in office , Development Worker and Clergyman of repute before asking me to serve them again as their legislator at the federal level. I have the education, skills, patriotism, exposure, contacts and clout to make my people proud. Having spent time in prayers about this decision and consulting with hundreds of our leaders across every divide I hereby declare that I will run as a candidate for election to the Federal House of Representatives come 2019!. This is a route I have taken before, I am familiar with the problem of my people. A Representative  job is to make sure the government works for those who have elected him, and not for his individual pocket or friends. A Representative’s job is to bring people together. Build bridges between urban and rural areas and bring closer the different point of views which exist in this Constituency. A Representative must ensure that Laws that benefit his constituency are made in the National Assembly.

“As a young man who has once represented this Constituency, I aggressively participated in the law making process by sponsoring numerous bills and motions. I know the problem affecting my people, I cannot afford to sleep in the chamber. My friends, we will work together to bring back dividends of democracy to Ife Federal Constituency, no matter which party you supported in the past, we can put the old debates aside and work together to achieve real change.

“We can prove that the cynics are wrong. That it is possible for Ife Federal Constituency to  have a solid representation in Abuja, not in the Opposition, but within government. Others will tell you that you have no choice but to vote for them. But that is, once again, old politics. You deserve better. You deserve change. And for that, we need to do more than block the opposition, we need to replace them. And it is not the first time for Ife Federal Constituency to bring about major changes in our society. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen this. It means something is broken and we need to fix it.

“It starts with a vote – your vote. And so, I’m calling on you – on the next election – to mark your ballot for change. Together, we can do this. We can show that: Here, our priority is job creation, poverty eradication, care for our senior citizens and women and Ife Federal Constituency peace. Here, we dare to use words like “change” “hope” and “progress”. Here, we dare to look beyond old politics and have the audacity to ask for something better. Here, we dare to look cynicism directly in the eye, and have faith that the best has yet to come. And especially because there is so much to do.

“The time has come for someone to take on those responsibilities. We are ready to take on this challenge! It can’t be done without you. Let’s work together. Let’s roll up our sleeves and start the work right now.

“I am committed to do things differently in Abuja. I am committed to get results in the first 100 days as your Representative. Not in four years because people need help now. That’s my commitment to you. My friends, I am ready to be your Representative and I fully understand what this means.This is not about seeking for fame, that i am already blessed as a Nollywood, its about the opportunity ahead as a ranking legislator and not a beginner.

“I therefore seek the support of stalwart of my party, the All Progressive Congress APC of which I am a die hard member, and not just that, I seek the understanding of every right thinking patriotic sons and daughters of my Constituency regardless of their party affiliation and I can confidently say to my people ,  I have lived and worked in this constituency most of my life and my name is a household item here. We must not field our second eleven when we have the first eleven!

On what Makinde has achieved so far that should earn him second shot at the lower chamber,  he said,  “I have ever soiled my hands when I contested, won & served as member of house of representatives with landmark achievements.I tried within my limit to touch many lives positively and these includes Party loyalists, Monarchs, Chiefs, Artisans, Students and the general public regardless of their party affiliation .

“I used my previous secular position to secure employment for many of our people regardless of their party affiliation and into organization such as Army, Police, Custom, Human Rights, Art and Culture etc.

“I used my position as member, 7th house of representatives to provide Health Care & education to many thousands of hopeless youths. I provided secondary & tertiary education for many hundreds of persons.School were built and refurbished and school furniture provided. As a realist for the past, my major work! includes service to humanity and many thousands have benefited from my benevolence, contacts and efforts.”

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