So Sad!! Popular Lagos Lawyer And Politician, Tunji Braithwaite Is Dead (photo)

Braithwaite reportedly died on Monday morning at St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos.

The founder of the Nigerian Advance Party, NAP was a delegate at the 2014 National Conference, canvassed for a Confederal Constitution to replace the 1999 Constitution.

He described the 1999 Constitution as Decree 24 which was presently destroying Nigeria and Nigerians, stressed that it should be thrown out and be replaced with either a Confederal constitution, with Nigeria operating con-federalism or a very loose federation.

Also, Braithwaite disagreed with former President Goodluck Jonathan on 100 years celebration, saying that the President got it wrong as Nigeria was only 54 years old, adding that Nigeria was still work in progress.

He said: “Let the word go forth that there are a number of brave, honest nationalistic persons in this Conference that, hopefully would be able to reconstruct Nigeria in a way that the blessings, peace and prosperity rightly deserved by the peoples of this country would be guaranteed by a New Confederal Constitution.

Development conference

”The existing six geopolitical zones are uniquely different developmental problems for which a single ‘’one-size-fits-all ‘solution can never work in the reality of Nigeria’s diversity. The present 1999 Constitution or Decree 24 is enforcing a country that is destroying its own people, and should be rejected outright.

”This Conference must therefore be as much a development conference as a constitutional one. It is our firm conviction that only a Confederal Constitution or a very loose federation is best suited for Nigeria. I say this because I know that no part of Nigeria is desert.”

Source @ http://www.vanguardng

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