A man tries to blackmail MKO Abiola’s wife but gets arrested.

A 26-year-old man, Caleb Nzube, who endeavored to coerce the wife generally Chief MKO Abiola of $5,000, was a week ago captured in Anambra State. Nzube purportedly hacked the Twitter handle of Mrs Tinu Abiola, downloaded her photo and composed a website page demonstrating the lady conveying a human skull. He then undermined to uncover the site page to the world if the lady does not pay $5,000. Damaged Mrs Abiola, it was found out, requested of the Inspector General, Solomon Arase, who coordinated a joined group of the Inspector General Monitoring Team and the Intelligence Response Team to find the suspect. He was captured when the agents raged his alcove in Obosi. It was accumulated that Mrs Abiola was not the suspect's just casualty, as a serving Senator and two others were likewise being irritated by him on the online networking. Talking with Vanguard after his capture, Caleb Elom Nzube concurred that he is a web fraudster as he had practical experience in web dating before wandering into extorting supposing it was more lucrative. Revealing he invested hours on the online networking hunting down conspicuous Nigerians, Nzube said his objectives are fundamentally rich government officials, mainstream businesspeople and socialite. He said he pursues these arrangement of individuals since he supposes they are typically touchy to what is said in regards to them in the general population. On how he got into inconvenience he said, "I began taking after Mrs Timu Alade Abiola on Twitter and I got her photos. I felt she was a decent catch and I chose to coerce her. I utilized Photoshop to make it appear as though she was conveying a human skull. I composed a website page with a little babble story on it that she was gotten for custom. I sent her the connection and when she saw it I requested she pays me $5000 or I will demonstrat to it to the entire world. One of her companions came in and asked that I shouldn't do it and that they were prepared to pay me $ 2000. I dismisses the cash, demanding that I should gather the sum I requested. Later they found I was Igbo and they gave my number to an Igbo young lady who began conversing with me and I acknowledged their offer, what got me irate was that while we were all the while talking, they sent an angling connection that crushed my site which I have been keeping up for over four years. That site had paid me minimal expenditure I have utilized as a part of supporting myself. I enlightened the Igbo young lady concerning it and that in the event that I don't get the cash before the end of the week I will demonstrate the site page to the entire world. She requested my record, I offered it to her however before I recognized what was going on, the police came and captured me. ý I don't comprehend why she needs to acquire the police; I told the young lady that what I required was for her to advise her madam to simply pay me for my site they annihilated. Truth be told I lament this, in the event that I had known it will be this muddled I would have not wandered into this. What I do is just dating. I simply needed to attempt my fortunes on this one." he mourned.

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