Man Batters Wife For Daring To Go Into Politics (photos)

A female politician in Kajiado county, Kenya, has paid dearly for daring to aspire to become a Senator after her husband descended on her and beat her blue black , leaving her with a black eye and severe bruises, reports

The woman, Eunice Leshunet , according to the reports, had announced to her family that she would be in the race for the Kajiado Senatorial seat in that country’s forthcoming general elections to be held in August, 2017, but that announcement was not a good piece of news for her husband who tried to stop her but on her refusal, he pounced on her and beat her silly.
Eunice Leshunet in good times

Leshunet later took to her Facebook page to post a photo of her battered face with the following words:
“This is the brutality I got from a man I call father to my kids after declaring my candidature for senatorial seat come 2017.”

Currently working with a non-governmental organisation, Leshunet went on to say that the beating from her husband will not deter her from going after her political dream.

“My ideologies will convince the whole world. Am strong and people who cannot dream will not stop me from achieving my dreams. So please watch my space

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