A dad was arrested for seizing his daughter’s phone.

At the point when Ronald Jackson found a content he believed was inconsiderate and unseemly on his then-12-year-old little girl's telephone in September 2013, he took the cell away. However, the tyke's mom, Michelle Steppe, got frantic at his activity and she called the police. WFAA reported that the 36-year-old, who hails from Grande Prairie, Texas, had been accused of robbery of property of in any event $50 yet under $500 after confiscating his little girl's iPhone 4 when he found a wrong content in September 2013. In no time thereafter, Jackson recieved a reference for the "robbery," a Class C misdemeanor. Jackson was then offered a supplication bargain in January 2014 on the off chance that he gave back the telephone, accomplished lawful representation, and asked for a jury trial. That is the point at which the city lawyer's office refiled the case with a harsher offense, a Class B wrongdoing, culpable to up to six months in prison and a $2,000 fine. After a warrant was put on him, Jackson was captured and taken into guardianship in April 2015, yet figured out how to present the $1,500 abandon maintain a strategic distance from imprisonment amid his trial. Inevitably, the judge requested for Jackson to be found not liable, refering to lacking proof to proceed with the case. Jackson portrayed the experience to CBSDFW: "I was being a guardian. You know, a kid accomplishes something incorrectly, you show them what's right. You let them know what they did wrong and you give them a discipline to demonstrate that they shouldn't be doing that." The teenager's mom, Michelle Steppe, told the court on Monday that she called police the day that Jackson took the telephone, and that they went to Jackson's home and requested the iPhone back, however Jackson won't. Jackson safeguarded his activities to WFFA: "By then, I chose the police don't meddle with my capacity to parent my girl." Yet, Steppe felt she was legitimized, as she told WFAA: "You can't take somebody's property, notwithstanding in case you're a guardian or not." Jackson purportedly was not a piece of his little girl's life until she was seven years of age, however taking after the episode, he told CBSDFW that he "can't ever have an association with them again." He was offered a request bargain in January 2014 on the off chance that he would give back the telephone. Rather, Jackson contracted a lawyer and asked for a jury trial. The case moved to Dallas County and, unbeknownst to Jackson, a warrant was issued for his capture. The police appeared at his entryway around 2 a.m. in April 2015, and Jackson was cuffed and taken to imprison. "It look bad to me for them to show up and overplay something that was a little thing," Jackson said. "I couldn't trust they would go to this degree for a cellphone. It didn't appear to be correct." He posted $1,500 safeguard and was discharged following a night in prison. "I've never seen anything like it," John Cook, one of Jackson's resistance lawyers, told KHOU Wednesday. "You would think we were on the Jerry Springer Show." After only a two-day trial in which Jackson's little girl, now 15, affirmed Dallas County Criminal Court Judge Lisa Green requested the jury to discover Jackson not liable, refering to inadequate confirmation to demonstrate a robbery allegation. Steppe can't help contradicting the decision. "Regardless of the fact that you buy something with your own cash and have a receipt, it's not yours," she said. "Somebody can take it from you." He is presently recording a Federal protestation of common rights violation due to the way he was treated by police and the city lawyer's office. WFAA reports that Michelle Steppe's life partner is an officer with the Grande Prair

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