Auwal Ahmad Dankode works as a cleaner with the Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO). Despite discharging his duties efficiently, with loyalty and punctuality, he remained an auxiliary staff, working as a “contract cleaner” for more than six years.
Last week, however, his show of honesty earned him a permanent appointment and he was crowned Brand Ambassador of NAHCO. The magic? He returned a missing sum of $10,000 to the owner.
Juxtaposing the biting economy situation with a man who had only N3,800 in his bank account stumbling on a bundle of missing $10,000 and returning same to the owner, Dankode became a hero of honesty and forthrightness after defeating the monster of temptation.
The aircraft, Egypt Air, from which he found the said sum, had touched down at 1:30pm. At about 2:00pm, the passengers alighted the aircraft and 10 cleaners were asked to go in and clean the 120-passenger airliner for another trip back to Cairo. Twenty-eight-year-old Dankode was one of the cleaners.
While cleaning the aircraft, Dankode saw an envelope in the middle of the aircraft at the 25th seat. When he touched the envelope, it was not the usual one carrying a letter. Inside the envelope was a wallet. He opened the wallet, and behold, there lay the $10,000 bundle in 100 US dollar bills. In Nigerian currency, it amounts to a whopping N15 million!
It is the policy of NAHCO that as a staff member, if you see something you should report it to the supervisor. So, when he saw the money, Dankode went to inform his supervisor, but he (supervisor) was working under the foot of the Egypt Air, supervising the offloading of baggage and fueling of the aircraft.
He decided to go straight and hand over the money to the Kano Station Manager of Egypt Air, Mr. Kareem Gad. He also told Gad the seat number where he found the money in case the owner returned to look for it.
Soon, the internet was buzzing with news of the incident, which got to the ears of the GMD/CEO of NAHCO, Andranil Gupta; a man who respects honesty, and he decided to change Dankode’s life. He invited Dankode to Lagos with his flight tickets to and fro paid for.
Boarding Air Max, he was off to Lagos. Upon landing at the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos, the COO of NAHCO was there with a Prado Jeep to pick him up.
At the head office, he was introduced as a shining example of the kind of employee the company wants. “The honesty and integrity in you are the core values of the company,” the GMD/CEO told him.
He was rewarded with a Golden Time award and appointed Brand Ambassador of NAHCO. He was converted as a permanent staff, promoted that same time and rewarded with cash.
Dankode’s father, Ahmad Abubakar, is proud and happy that his son has not forgotten his advice. Not only him but the entire community members are proud to have a son with his attitude.
“My prayer is for young ones to emulate him,” his mother, Rabi Ibrahim, said.
Auwal Ahmad Dankode, a native of Kode village, Dawakin Kudu Local Government Area of Kano State and holder of the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) in Biology and Geography from the Sa’adatu Rimi University of Education, Kumbotso, Kano, had the following chat with our Kano State correspondent, FANEN IHYONGO:
Why did you return the $10,000 you found in the aircraft to the owner when you had almost nothing on you?
It is the policy of the company that as a staff (an employee), if you see something that is not yours, whether in the airport or elsewhere, you should say so. But before I got a job with Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO) and was trained, my father and mother had always told me when I was a kid that if you see something on the ground and pick it, you will turn into a yam.
My father would always tell me: Be honest. Be honest. Be honest. When I grew up, they kept telling me that if I graduated from high school and got a job, I should not take anything that is not mine. My parents would tell me: If somebody forgets something and you come across it, give it to them. So I grew up with the habit of avoiding what is not mine.
Someone might think you are not lacking, and that is why you did not go with the money…
I had only N3,800 in my bank account, which I operate with Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB).
So, how did you find the money?
When the passengers had walked out of the airplane, the security personnel of the airline asked us (cleaners) to go in and clean the aircraft. It is an international aircraft and it was preparing for another trip back to Cairo. While cleaning the aircraft, I saw the envelope, and when I touched it, I felt something different. I said to myself this could not be a letter. When I opened the envelope, I saw a wallet with a bundle of USDs; $10,000.
Did any of your colleagues see you carrying the money?
No. No one noticed it.
What did you then do when you discovered the content of the envelope was dollars?
I went to inform my supervisor but he was working under the foot of the Egypt Air. So, I decided to go straight and hand over the money to the manager of the aircraft. I told him the seat number where I found the money so that in case the owner returned looking for it, he could ask questions for verification.
When I handed the aircraft manager the money, he asked me: “What is your name? I told him my name is Auwal Ahmad Dankode. He said: “You’re a very good boy.” He hugged me, tapped my back and said “We shall see after.”
How long have you been with Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCO)?
I have been with NAHCO for over six years. But it was a contract appointment.
What happened after you returned the money?
Upon hearing the news, the head office of NAHCO called my supervisor, who is the head of operation in Kano. From there, I was invited to Lagos. They paid my flight tickets to and fro.
I boarded Air Max. And upon landing at the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos, the COO of NAHCO was there with a Prado Jeep to pick me up.
He drove me straight to the head office. There, I was taken round different offices, before going to the Conference Hall, where the chairman of the company, the DMD, Head of Human Resources (HR) and other top officials of the company were seated. At the meeting, they introduced me and said I am a shining example of the kind of employee the company wants. That the honesty and integrity in me are the core values of the company.
What happened next?
I was given a Golden Time award and appointed Brand Ambassador of NAHCO. I was converted to a permanent staff, promoted that same time and rewarded with cash.
What about the owner of the dollars?
The owner of the money wanted to appreciate me; he wanted to give me something but I refused, because of the company’s policy. He was trying to give me something but I said no, I would not take it.
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