Apologise In 7 Days Or Face Wrath Of Igbo gods – Group Threatens Wike


Nigerians of South-East extraction, under the aegis of the Igbo Community Assembly, have called on President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to intervene in what they describe as an act of intimidation and disrespect by the Honourable Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Barr. Nyesom Wike. 

This development came after the controversial demolition of a property belonging to Prince Nicholas Ukachukwu, and the subsequent remarks made by the minister.

The incident sparked considerable outrage among the Igbo people living in the nation’s capital, who claim that the minister made derogatory remarks against their kinsman, Hon. Ukachukwu, during the enforcement action.

Addressing journalists in Abuja on Wednesday, the group condemned the minister’s alleged comments and demanded that he publicly apologize to the Igbos within seven days or face their collective indignation.

The Chairman of the Assembly, Hon. Ositadimma Patrick Nwoye, highlighted the community’s outrage.

He explained, “Wike accused our brother, Evangelist Nicholas Ukachukwu, of being fraudulent, and we are asking Wike, have you prosecuted him? If yes, in which court? If no, why not?

“Such derogatory statements are totally uncalled for and should not be swept under the carpet,” he declared.

The press conference took an emotional turn when the chairman accused Wike of spreading misinformation about the judiciary selling court orders—a serious accusation in a country that relies on the integrity of the judicial system.

The assembly asserted that Wike’s actions and comments reflect a broader issue of disrespect towards the Igbo people and a disregard for the rule of law.

The group further raised two fundamental questions regarding the land matter, questioning the legality of the demolition exercise:

“Was there a court order restraining the demolition? If so, why was it not obeyed?” Nwoye queried, highlighting the importance of the rule of law and the judicial process.

He further stated that the land in question has been the subject of a court case for nearly two decades—a case in which Hon. Ukachukwu reportedly won.

Moreover, the group challenged Wike’s claim that there were no ministerial approvals for the Asokoro land, brandishing what they allege to be a copy of the approvals to counter his statement.

” We have copies of the court orders and proof of service to show that he was duly served,” Nwoye stated emphatically.

In a pointed accusation, the Igbo Community Assembly alleged that Minister Wike expressed bias against Igbos, quoting him as saying, ‘Why should an Igbo man be given such massive land,’ and hinting at a pattern of similar actions in Port Harcourt.

According to Nwoye, the Igbos have historically been known as nation builders, and their presence across Nigeria is a testament to their entrepreneurial spirit and contributions to national development.

The Igbo Community Assembly reminded the public of this legacy and refused to be intimidated or halted by what they perceive as targeted harassment.

Nwoye emphasized that the group’s demand for an apology extended not only to the Igbo community but also to the judiciary, which they feel has been indirectly maligned by the minister’s remarks.

According to him, with this ultimatum, the Assembly has emphasized its expectation for respect, due process, and adherence to the rule of law.

“We call on our father the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to call the FCT minister to order because this is not the renewed hope agenda we voted for.

“We are giving Barr. Wike Seven (7) days ultimatum to issue a public apology to the Igbos or face the wrath of all Igbos and the gods of Igbo land,” Nwoye stressed.

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